School Objectives
Spiritually- “Let the Word of God dwell in you richly.”
To graduate students who
Have accepted Christ as personal Saviour
Are spiritually mature
Live according to Scriptures
Seek God’s will in their lives
Know what they believe and why
Can defend a biblical view of the world
Spend time in prayer and Bible study
Are involved in a local Bible-believing church ministry
Are willing to present Christ to the world in which they live
Seek to glorify God in every aspect of their lives
Possess a servant’s heart
Exhibit respect for authority
Academically – “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.”
To graduate students who
Are academically prepared to enter higher education
Understand that “all truth is God’s truth”
Possess the skills and the work ethic to compete in the job market
Have the skills to present the Gospel clearly
Contribute positively to society
Participate wisely in the political process
Have a strong sense of patriotism
Use higher-level thinking skills
Love life-long learning
Are prepared to be leaders
Socially- “No man liveth unto himself.”
To graduate students who
Maintain healthy, biblical relationships
Portray a balanced life
Are controlled by the Spirit
Have a sense of community responsibility
Physically- “Present your bodies a living sacrifice…unto God.”
To graduate students who
Acknowledge that their bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost
Understand proper hygiene and nutrition
Stay physically active in their service for God