Driver Education
Driver Education Classes, for Bethel Christian Academy, are provided by JDS Carolinas, Inc., out of Vanceboro, NC.
JDS Carolinas, Inc.
PO Box 143 Vanceboro, NC 27802
Phone: (252) 244-1220
Driver Education Online Class NEW POLICY: Driver’s Education Registration will be completed on the JDS of the Carolinas website. It is very, very important to be one of the first ones to attempt to register on that day. Classes fill up fast. A blended program will be implemented at North Lenoir. Three classes will be held on site at North Lenoir with the remaining classes occurring online.
1. Use the following link for registration:
2. You will be directed to a page entitled County Registration Info. Click “Lenoir.”
3. Under North Lenoir High School the class available will be listed. Click “Register Here.”
4. Complete Registration and submit. If you have any questions, feel free to contact:
Don Williams (Driver’s Education Instructor) at 252-939-7394.
You must be 14 1/2 to take this class.